Friday, April 5, 2024

XI Annual Examination Question paper 80 Marks

Annual Activity Sheet
Class: 11th Time: 3 Hrs
Sub: English Max .Marks: 80
All questions are compulsory. There may be internal options.
Answers are to be written in complete sentences. One word answers or incomplete sentences will not be given credit.
Figures/web-diagrams/charts/tables etc should be drawn and presented completely with proper answers written as instructed.
Use of colour pen/pencil etc. is not allowed. 


(Reading for comprehension, Language Study, Summary, Note-Making/Mind Mapping)
Q. 1 ( A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below: 12

One of the most difficult tasks during the course of a battle is to maintain one's hold on the ground captured, before the next assault can be launched. Throughout the next morning artillery duels continued. Casualties mounted on both sides . The Grenadiers hung on to their precarious perch with grit and determination. Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav and his team members exhibited exceptional courage during this assault.
    At this stage ,8 Mount Division realized that it would not be possible to evict the enemy from Tiger Hill completely as long as his supply lines along the western spur were intact . Mohinder Puri and M.P.S Bajwa then issued orders to 8 Sikh to attack and capture Helmet and India Gate so that enemy reinforcements to Tiger Hill Top could be prevented. The move was also intended to cut off the enemy's supply route.
 The western spur of Tiger Hill extended up to 1.5 kilometres the approach to the spur , where 8 Sikh was deployed, lay along a steep rock face . An ad-hoc column of 8 Sikh , led by Major Ravindra Singh and  lieutenant R.K Sehrawat, comprising four JCOsand fifty two soldiers , climbed this rock face under poor visibility conditions and was able to capture India Gate after a tough fight . In this battle, Subedar Nirmal Singh led the assault platoon . He was engaged in hand to hand fighting till the end and was also responsible for beating back a counterback . Despite heavy casualties, 8 Sikh exploited it's success up to Helmet and captured this objective on 5 July. 
The enemy launched two counterattacks with forty to fifty personnel, but 8 Sikh fought gallantly and was able to repulse them . Naib Subedar Karnail Singh and Rifleman Satpal Singh , who were part of a platoon deployed on the reverse slope of Helmet , showed exceptional courage , In one of these counterattacks, Captain Karnal Sher Khan of the Pakistan Army was killed . His body was subsehanded over to the Pakistani authorities. Other bodies of the Pakistani soldiers found scattered around the battleground were collected and buried appropriately. 

A.1 Rewrite the following statements and write whether they are true or false.

The most difficult tasks during the course of a battle is to maintain one's hold on the ground.
Mohinder Puri and MPS Bajwa issued orders to 8 Sikh to attack and capture Helmet and India Gate.

Despite heavy casualties 3 Sikhs exploited it's success up to Helmet.
The body of Captain Karnal Khan of the Pakistan Army was handed to Srinagar authorities.
A 2. Complete : 2
Complete the following statements with the help of the extract.
The Grenadiers hung on to …………………………….
The enemy launched two counterattacks _______________
A 3. Interpretation
         Write any 2 points about the counterattacks by the enemy mentioned in the extract
A 4. Personal Response : 2
Write  a brief view about the soldiers who are the national heroes that the people of the country look up to..

A 5. Language Study : 2
Do as directed.

In this battle, Subedar Nirmal Singh led the assault platoon.(Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the sentence in Past Continuous Tense)
a) In this battle, Subedar Nirmal Singh was  leading the assault platoon.
b) In this battle, Subedar Nirmal Singh were leading the assault platoon.
c) In this battle Subedar Nirmal Singh are leading the assault platoon.
d) In this battle, Subedar Nirmal Singh was not leading the assault platoon.
Write Antonyms of 
a) defend.                b) gathered

A 6. Vocabulary. 2
Write the verb form of the following 


B) Language Study (Non-textual )


B1) Do as directed:

i) Money does not mean anything.( Use modal auxiliary showing obligation. Choose the correct alternatives from the given sentences
a) Money can not mean everything .
b) Money must not mean everything.
c) Money need not mean everything.
d ) Money may not mean everything.

ii) Travel guides us towards a better balance of wisdom and compassion. ( Frame a 'wh ' question to get the underlined part of the sentences as a answer. Choose the correct alternative.) 
a) Why does travel guide us ?
b) Where does travel guide us ?
c) What does travel guide us to? 
d) Whom does travel guide us to?

iii)There is no hope .( Frame and rewrite as Rhetorical question)




B2) Spot the error in the following sentence and rewrite the correct sentence.
They was all very excited about the industrial visit. 1

Q. 2 A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below:
               Have you ever wondered why soldiers are always clad in green? This is to enable them to camouflage themselves during wartime. Hiding in this jungles, this green attire blends into the surrounding trees and shrubs , making it difficult for the enemies to spot them.
        Long before man made use of camouflaging , insects have already adopted the tactics of disguise to escape from the clutches of their predators. By having body colour close to those of the rocks and dried leaves, they can escape from being pursued by the predators.
            Butterflies and moths have developed a variety of camouflage strategies since they are quite defenceless and their predators are abundant. Possessing wings which resemble dried leaves helps when predators are around.
          Fortunately, not all insects choose the art of disguise to escape from their predators; otherwise, the world would be so dull and colourless. There are insects which assimilate the bright body colours of bees and wasps and bees in fear of their painful stings . Hence , over millions of years , many harmless insects have assimilated the bees and wasps by imitating their bright body colours and shapes. In this way , they appear dangerous and hence ward them off. 
          The beeflly not only appears like the bumblebee in terms of body colour , even it's hums sound similar too. The only difference is that the beefly does not have a sting and is hence harmless. The hoverfly is another insect which imitates the body colours of the wasps. Their bodies are striped yellow and black . The only deviations are the hoverflies do not have stings and they have only one pair of wings each while wasps have two pairs each . These variations are hardly noticed by the predators and hence help them to escape.

A1. Complete the tree diagram : 
                   Camouflage to surrounding objects like 


A2. Match the items in Column A with the items in Column B.                                                         2

Column A        Column B

animal that hunts others for food a) imitate 
to get free from danger                     b) predator 
plentiful                     c) escape 
to make a copy                     d) abundant

A3. 'Nature has given self-protection mechanism to insects.'Find out atleast two examples from the extract to prove this statement .          (2)

A4. 'Soldiers disguise themselves to prevent enemies from spotting then ' Give two more examples when the disguising technique is used by humans.             2

A5. Do as directed                            for escape 2
1.Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise ______________from the clutches of their predators. ( Replace the gerund with infinitive and rewrite)
a) Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escaped from clutches of their predators.
b) Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escaping from the clutches of their predators.
c) Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escape from the clutches of their predators.
d) Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to for escaping from the clutches of their predators.
2) Their bodies are striped yellow and black.. (Add a Question tag)
a) are't they ?                                b) Didn't they ?
c) wasn't he ?                                d) isn't they?

A6. Find out similar meaning of words from the extract for the following words.                                 (2)
1. Hide-
2. Rival-
4 Game plan-
Q 2.B) Summary Writing                                                                                                                                      3
Write the summary of the above extract and  suggest suitable title.
Clues: Camouflage of soldiers and insects - reasons and ways for disguising - assimilation of insects - need for imitation.

Note-Making:                                                                                                                                 3
Read the following extract and complete the notes given below it.

Newspapers, especially of the popular variety, aim to do two things; to inform and to entertain. Entertainment may be principally found in the Centre pages of newspaper, in some of the feature articles and some local stories. The principle aim of the short news report on the front page is to inform.

Most newspapers are published daily and the news reporters must make sure that they have up-to –the minute news. In their news reports they will aim to create a sense of immediacy, to convey the impression that they have rushed the news to the reader and that the information contained is the very latest.

Reporters also wish to create a sense of authenticity, that is, that their news is accurate and genuine. They may thus refer to their sources, to the spokesmen who informed them, perhaps quoting their very show that what has been produced is the real news.
Just as reporters appear to be in a hurry to find out and then retell their facts too. So, the readers of the daily newspaper are often in a hurry, trying to read as much of the news as possible before rushing off to work. This is perhaps what dictates one very common format for news reports. According to this format, the first paragraph or two of the news report contains most of the main points of the
story, in a condensed or summary form. The following paragraph go over all the main points again, but this time adding more details. Thus the reader who is in hurry can get main idea of the story by reading just the initial paragraphs. The editor of the paper also benefits from this format, for if he or she runs out of space in the paper, some of the last paragraphs of the story can be deleted without too much harm.
.             Newspaper aims to create 
|.  ----------|-----------| -----------| 

( Poetry and Appreciation)
Q.3(A) Read the following extract and do the activities given below: (10)
Between Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose, - The spectacles set them unhappily wrong;
The point in dispute was, as well the world knows, To which the said spectacles ought to belong.
So Tongue was the lawyer, and argued the cause With great deal of skill, and a wig full of learning; While chief Baron Ear sat to balance the laws,
So famed for his talent in nicely discerning.
‘In behalf of the Nose it will quickly appear,
And your lordship,’ he said, ‘will undoubtedly find, That the Nose has had spectacles always in wear, Which amounts to possession time out of mind.’
Then holding the spectacles up to the court,
‘Your lordship observes they are made with a straddle As wide as the ridge of the Nose is; in short, Designed to sit close to it, just like a saddle.’
A 1. True or False : 2

Rewrite the following statements and write whether they are true or false.

There was a strange contest between Nose and Ear.
The point in dispute was the ownership of the spectacles.
Tongue played the role of the lawyer.
Ear was in position of the judge.

A 2. Find out : 2

Find out the two evidences in favour of Nose's ownership of the spectacles from the extract.

A 3. Personal Response : 2

Express your view on whom the spectacles should belong to, eyes or nose.

A 4. Poetic Devices : 2

Name and explain the figure speech in the following line:

‘Design to sit close to it, just like a saddle’

A 5. Poetic Creativity : 2

Prepare stanza of a poem to Complete the following poetic lines 

Oh Spectacles!........................................
B) Appreciation
Read the following extract and write the appreciation of it based on the points given below. 4
                  They plan.They build . All spaces are gridded
                   Filled with permutations of possibilities.
                    The buildings are in alignment with the roads
                      which meet at desired points
                     linked by bridges all hang
                     in the grace of mathematics.
                     They build and will not stop.
                    Even the sea draws back
                    and the skies surrender.

                   They erase the flaws,
                   the blemishes of the past, knock off
                   useless blocks with dental dexterity.
                  All gaps are plugged with gleaming gold.
                  The country wears perfect rows of shining teeth.
                   Anaesthesia, amnesia, hypnosis.
                   They have the means.
                    They have it all so it will not hurt.
                    So history is new again.
                   The piling will not stop.
                    The drilling goes right through
                    the fossils of last century.

                    But my heart would not bleed poetry.
                    Not a single drop to stain the blueprint
                     of our past's tomorrow.
About the title ,poem and the poet.
Theme of the poem.
Poetic devices
Special features/Language /style
Your opinion about the poem.
Q.4) Complete the activities as per the instructions given below. 16
Attempt any one of the following.
E- mail Writing:
        Write an email in the proper format to the city dealer of DELL Computers demanding moderate quotation for the same 

Letter Writing 
 Write a letter to the Editor, Maharashtra Times , Aurangabad, expressing the problem of garbage dumping in your area . You may take help of the following points.

* Garbage makes the area dirty
* Different types of garbage
* Increasing pollution
* Threat to health and environment
Expansion solutions to this problem 
Attempt any one of the following. 4
          Film Review: Write a review of any film using at least four of the following points.
Theme/story of the film
Main and supporting characters
Special features of the film
Music, dance, songs, action, direction, etc.
Why you liked/disliked the film
Recommendation for other viewers

Expansion of an Idea :
Expand the following idea in about 100-150 words with the help of the points given below.
                                            " Look before you leap” 
          * Hasty decision
          * Consider results
           * Keep calm
          * Your view

Attempt any one of the following. 4
Imagine you have to conduct an interview of a famous Actor .With the help of the format given below,prepare atleast 8 to 10 questions on the given field.( Do not change the sequence) .
Name of the interviewee
Field / Reputation
Date / Venue / Time 
Duration of Interview 

1) Motivation

2) Initial 

3) support 

4) Idols / Gurus / Teachers

5) First Break 

6) Public response 

8 ) Goals / Dreams

7) Recognition                      

Report Writing:
 Imagine your college arranged ‘Science and Art Exhibition’. Write a report of it with the help of the following points.
Date, time duration and venue * Inauguration ceremony
Addresses by guests and others * Report of different activities and projects
Vote of thanks

Attempt any one of the following.                  4
Imagine you have taken part in an Elocution Competition . You have selected the topic " Nature our true teacher ." Draft a speech in about 100/150 words that you wish to deliver before the audience .

Imagine that you are compering on the Annual  Prize distribution Ceremony of your college. Prepare a  script for compering the function with the help of the following points in about 100 to 150 words.
Introduction of the function
Welcome and felicitation of the guests 
Prize distribution
                         * Speeches of the chief guest and the president
Vote of thanks.

Blog Writing:
Write a blog in a proper format in about 100-150 words on ‘Social media is spoiling the spirit of Education’ with the help of the following
Importance of education 
Influence of social media 
Effects of social media 
Your view

                                            SECTION IV – LITERARY GENRE – DRAMA
Q.5A) Complete the activities as per the instructions given below.
Choose and write the correct alternative : 4
The is the main character in a play.

Flat characters are also known as _______


3 is the central idea around whichthe plot revolves .

 ………………………  wrote on people who grew up after the second world war.
John Osborne 
Arthur Miller
WB Yeats 

II) Match the pairs :



to speak to oneself

Charles II


 An enemy of the people 


place where story takes place

iv) setting
d) Restoration of 1660

Do the following activities as instructed. 4
Write the theme of the play ‘The Rising of the Moon’ in about 50 words.
Describe the character sketch of 'Sergeant' in about 50 words .

Do the following activities as instructed. 4
Describe the character of ‘Oberon’ in about 60 words.

Explain in details ‘ A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ as one of the best comedy of Shakespeare's play in 50 words.

  D) Do the following activities as instructed .
              1.Describe in your own words the incident when Hovstad's real intention to help Dr     Stockmann is exposed .

              2. Interpret the climax of the play ' An Enemy of the People ' in about 50 words.

Friday, January 13, 2023

XII preliminary examination 80 marks question paper Set no 12

H.S.C. Preliminary Examination 22-23
Subject:English                          Max.Marks:80                    Max.Time:3 hrs

Instructions :
i) All questions are compulsory. There may be internal options.
ii) Answers are to be written in complete sentences. One word answers or incomplete sentences will not be given credit.
iii) Figures/web-diagrams/charts/tables etc should be drawn and presented completely with proper answers written as instructed.
iv) Use of colour pens/pencils etc is not allowed. (Use only blue/black pens )

Section I: Textual Passage

Q1. A. Read the following extract and do the activities:                          (12)

The eight-and-a-half-hour-long day inside the hide was a fruitful as the Jambha tree standing tall on the edge of Umbarzara. Before wrapping up my day at this natural waterhole, I took entries of the avifauna in my field work. Since I was alone, I rushed to Pitezari village where I was stationed. I camouflaged the hide, took my essentials, and came out of the hide and stretched out to my heart's content. I lifted my camera bag and took the familiar trial to Pitezari. Negotiating the webbed leaves of Teakwood and Moha trees, trying to make minimal sound, I was treading cautiously among the wood. Walking alone in a jungle needs more alertness than walking with a companion. I was alone here like a fox. Following the trial silently, watching with wide-open eyes, my ears were grasping a variety of sound stunned me... 
'Khyak! Khyak! KhyakoSS Khyak!' 
It was a Langur alarm call. The leader of the gang of Langurs was sitting on the tall tree making alarm calls out of fear. Rest of the Langur brigade continued raising the alarm calls. The network of alarm calls was expanding its range as the petrified Langurs speeded to the trees near and far and secured their places on treetops. All this upheaval was created by only one animal's presence- a Leopard. Many animals make alarm calls when they see a predator- Tiger or a Leopard nearby. The Langur is more reliable when it comes to finding clues about the presence of the apex predators in the jungle. The mighty elusive Leopard of Umbarzara was out of his liar. He was on the prowl. The stealthily moving figure in spotted gold- black cloak was spied by these Langurs. Even the small ones from the legion of Langurs were giving alarm calls. 
'Chyak! Chyak!' 
I stayed put. Gauged the leader Langur's target sight and scanned the area visually. Took some steps. Stopped again. A fresh scat was lying before me on the trail. The bluish-purple flies were hovering over it. I was sure that the Leopard was somewhere near. The distant alarm call of four-horned antelope was adding to the chaos. 
A1      Complete the given flowchart about the writer’s activities.                              (2) 
A2     Enlist the clues which confirmed the presence of a leopard.                       (2) 
A3 Complete.                                         (2) 
‘I was alone like a fox.’ The writer compares himself to the fox because …….... 

State what precautions you would take after finding yourself lost in a jungle.       (2) 
A5 Do as directed.                                  (2) 
i. The langur is the most reliable in finding clues in jungle about predators. (Choose the correct alternative that gives the transformation of the given sentence in Positive Degree)

No other animal in jungle is as reliable as langur in finding clues about predators in jungle. 

No other langur is as reliable as other animals in finding clues about predators in jungle. 

Langur is as reliable as other animals in jungle in finding clues about predators. 

Very few animals in jungle are as reliable as langur in finding clues about predators in jungle. 

ii. I camouflaged the hide... 
(Choose correct alternative that has Simple Present Tense form.) a) I camouflage the hide 
I am camouflaging the hide 
I have camouflaged the hide 
I can camouflage the hide 
Find a word from the extract which mean the following:                                       (2) 

To hide oneself by covering up with natural or artificial material to mislead the enemy. 
Finishing the work 
Making oneself safe from danger
iv.     To successfully walk over 
B) Language Study                                          (4)
I) Do as directed / Transformation of Sentence                           
i) There was farmer who grew superior quality rice and every year, his rice won prizes in state competition. (Insert appropriate articles )

ii) Saina Nehwal was introduced ………….Karate ………. A tender age but abandoned it when she was told to stop it.(Rewrite using an appropriate preposition)

iii) The quiz master said “When did Quit India Movement take place ?” (Choose correct option)
a) The quiz master said that when Quit India Movement had taken place.
b) The quiz master asked  that when Quit India Movement had taken place
c) The quiz master asked when Quit India Movement had taken place.
d) The quiz master asked when was Quit India Movement taken place.

II) Spot the error and rewrite the sentence.

              Sonali is more shorter than her sister.
Q.2 A) Read the extract carefully and completes the activities that follow:                                  [12]
 Al.  Read the following sentences and write down only the true sentences:                                        (2)
(i) Srikanth's parents being wealthy decided to look after him, and educate him.
(ii) Srikanth has been listed in the list of super achievers under the age of thirty from Asia by Forbes.
(iii) Srikanth missed a great chance because he could not take the Joint Entrance Examination for IIT.
(iv) Srikanth has started a Support Service Platform to re-establish, nurture and integrate differently abled people from the society.

When he was born everyone advised' his parents to get rid of the kid as he was blind. But his parents, who were not affluent by any counts, chose to take care of him, that too, to the best of their abilities and gave him education. Forbes has named him in the list of super achievers from Asia under the age of 30 but visually challenged Srikant Bollah is in no mood to celebrate. His goal is to get in to the Forbes list of richest person - and he won't settle for anything else.
                        Such is the determination of the 25 year-old, who was born blind and overcome all adversities to become the first international blind student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology  (MIT) and now heads a Rs 30 crore ($4.6 million) company. Visiting manufacturing plants in different locations in Telangana and Karnataka, attending business meetings and, in between, troubleshooting over the phone, the CEO of Bollant Industries is a busy man. 
           Born in a family of farmers in Machilipatnam in Andhra Pradesh, life has been one long struggle for him. After passing his class 10th exam he chose the science stream for the plus- two stage but was not permitted to write the Joint Entrance Exam for IIT- aspirants as he was blind. "I said when IIT doesn't want me, I don't want IIT either. Let me find the best opportunity in the world- better than IIT. MIT being the top school in the world. I always wanted to go there and I went there," said Srikanth, who was management from MIT When his bachelor's course was ending, few questions hindered Srikanth he decided to give up the 'golden opportunity.' in corporate America and came back to India in search of answer to his question.
Srikanth Bollah set up a support service platform to rehabilitate, nurture and integrate dif- ferently abled people in society. Srikanth helped about 300 students in acquiring educational and vocational rehabilitations. Later, when he thought about their employment he built this company which now employs 150 differently abled people. Srikanth's three most important life lessons are show compassion and make people rich. Include people in your life and remove loneliness, and lastly do something good; it will come back to you. Srikanth Bollah, the guy who was born blind is now a new ray of hope for many people.

A2. Give reasons:
(i) Srikanth decided to study in MIT because…………………….                         (2)

A3.Give evidence:
Srikanth Bollah wanted to do something different for the physically handicapped people from India, so he raised a platform for them to come up in life. Find out a proof from the extract to support it.   (2)

A4 Personal Response:
Srikanth though blind started a platform for other disabled people. Describe your own views in about 5 to 6 sentences about us though we being abled people lags behind in providing help to raise them up to other abled peoples level.                                        (2)

A5 Language study:                                                    (2)
(1) Srikanth helped about 3000 students in acquiring educational and vocational rehabilitation. (Change the voice)                                                                      

(ii) When his bachelor's course was ending, few questions hindered Srikanth.
                                   (Rewrite the sentence by using 'No sooner..........than..................)
A6 Vocabulary:                                                 (2)
Find out the antonyms for the following words from the extract and rewrite: 
(a) poor     (b) prohibited         (c) demolish          (d) exclude                            

Q.2 B) Write a summary of the above extract with a suitable title.                    (3)

Q2. C. Develop a ‘Mind Mapping’ frame/design using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate / develop on the topic, ‘Benefits of English Language’.                                                                  (3)

Section II: Poetry

Q.3 (A) Read the given extract and complete the activities given below:                  (10) 
Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
This day is almost over, and its toiling time is through;
Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?
Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along?
Or a churlish sort of "Howdy" and then vanish in the throng?
Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way,
Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?

Can you say tonight, in parting with the day that's slipping fast,
That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed?
Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said;
Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look head?

Did you waste the day, or lose it, was it well or sorely spent?
Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent?
As you close your eyes in slumber do you think that God would say,      You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today?

A1 Complete the following web.                                                           (2) 

A2 You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today? Explain the meaning of these lines.                                                                                     (2) 
A3 How does your ‘good deeds’ help others to rejoice?                                                       (2) 
A4  Name and explain the figure of speech –“Can you say tonight, in parting with the day that's slipping fast”                                                                (2) 
A5 With the help of following words compose four lines.                                                     (2) 
……………….……………….. .Share 
……………..…………………. Give 
Q3. B. Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the following points:            (4)
Small towns always remind me of death.
My hometown lies calmly amidst the trees,
it is always the same,
in summer or winter,
with the dust flying,
or the wind howling down the gorge.

Just the other day someone died.
In the dreadful silence we wept
looking at the sad wreath of tuberoses.
Life and death, life and death,
only the rituals are permanent.

The river has a soul.
In the summer it cuts through the land
like a torrent of grief. Sometimes,
sometimes, I think it holds its breath
seeking a land of fish and stars

The river has a soul.
It knows, stretching past the town,
from the first drop of rain to dry earth
and mist on the mountaintops,
the river knows
the immortality of water.
About the poem/poet and the title
The theme
Poetic style
The language/poetic devices used in the poem
Message, values, morals in the poem
Your opinion about the poem

                                                   Section III : Writing Skills

Q4. A. Complete the activities as per the instructions given below.                                (16)

A1. Attempt any one of the following.                                                                                            (4)

Imagine that you have to leave your hostel room to attend to a relative coming at the city hospital from your native place. Draft a message in about 100/150 words giving reason of your absence at the birthday party of your roommate at the hostel. Give your own reasons to support your message. 

You are highly passionate towards becoming a successful entrepreneur and therefore want to peruse your higher education in “Business Management”. Your background and skills have motivated you towards business and now you seek admission to accomplish a degree in “Business Management” at a reputed university. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get admission to this University.


 Imagine that you have recently discussed with your friends on ‘Women Empowerment and Equality, write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic. 

A2. Attempt any one of the following.                                                                                        (4)

Draft an E-mail in a proper format to be sent to a famous and distinguished personality in order to invite him/her for the “Prize Distribution” programme organized by the college authorities and to be held at your junior college campus. Give complete programme schedule and details about the event.
You have visited your uncle who is a primary teacher in a “Zilla Parishad School”. Being the regular contributor to your College Magazine, write a report in about 100-150 words, adding all information and the overall experience of your visit. 


Imagine, you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished personality in the field of HEALTH. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions) 
Name of the interviewee 
(distinguished personality) 
Area of Success/Reputation 
Duration of Interview 
Question based on  
1.  Student life 
2.  Early Interest 
3.  Idols 
4.  Primary training 
5.  Opportunity 
6.  Accomplishments 
7.  Target/Goals 
8.  Suggestion 


A3. Attempt any one of the following.                                                                                            (4)
Write a speech on ‘Courtesy is the light of life’ with the following points.
People have a good impression of you.
You will be acknowledge and appreciated by all.
You will be happier and contented with life. 

Imagine that you are a comparer of ‘Reading Day Programmes’ at your school to mark the birth anniversary of Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. Prepare a script for the same with the help of following points.  
Importance of the Day. 
Reading for pleasure and profit. 
Speech by your principal. 
Different activities and felicitation of winners.  
Vote of thanks.  

Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below. Write your answer in about 100 to 120 words. ‘Speech is Silver but Silence is Golden. 
Discuss the both topics 
Importance of listening and Speaking at appropriate time 
Supporting your argument with examples. 

A4. Attempt any one of the following.                                                                                        (4)

Write a review of the film that you remember you’ve watched and can’t forget easily. Give details about the movie using following supporting points. 
Title of the film. 
The star cast and production house (if you remember). 
The gist of the plot. 
The reason you like the film. 
Your favourite scene from the movie. 
Your opinion and recommendation. 

Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘recipe of my favourite dish’, with the help of the following points.   (100-150 words) 
Type of dish 
Why you like it 

Prepare an ‘Appeal’ on the topic ‘Help us to end child labour with the help of the following points.                    (100-150 words) 
Special features
Need of drive
         ✔ Appeal to society       *Add your points

Section IV: Novel                                              (16)

Q5. A1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers.                                                             (2)
1. Eighteenth century gifted mankind with………………………
                       (Drama and poetry/ Novel and drama /Poetry and novel /Novel and periodical essays)

2. The famous trio of Indian writers is …………. ……….
(Mulkraj Anand, R.K.Narayan, Raja Rao / Amitav Ghosh, Manohar Malgaonkar, Mulkraj Anand / Amitav Ghosh ,R.K.Narayan,Arvind Adiga) 
3   Write in chronological order 
Murasaki Shikibu’s Tale of Genji 
Greek Romances 
The appearance of magazines and newspapers 
Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales 
4. Novella is greater in length than Novel (State true or False)

A2. Match the following.                                                                                                        (2)

1. Agatha Christie 
 a) stream of consciousness 
2. William James 
 b) crime fiction 
3. George Eliot 
 c) science-based novels 
4. Mary Shelly  
d) psychological novels 

B1.Miss Philips effectively handled the questioning session. Give supporting details in the novel ‘To Sir with Love’                                                               (2)
B2. Write a short note on the character sketch of Ricky Braithwaite                                (2)

C1. Explain how the time gained of a full day is revealed to Mr. Fogg.                                         (2)
C2. Winning the heart is preferred to the winning of wager. Express by supporting the details of ‘Around the world in eighty days’.                                                                               (2)                                                                                                                                                                                             
D1. ‘Narrate the case of Miss Morstan in your words.                                                               (2)
D2. Explain the theme of The Sign of Four.                                                    (2)
