XII Total Marks : 80 ENGLISH
Note : (1) All questions are compulsory. There may be internal option/s.
(2) Answers are to be written in complete sentences. One word answer or incomplete answer will not be given credit.
(3) Figures / webs/diagrams/ charts/ tables etc. should be drawn and presented completely with proper answers written as instructed.
(4) Use of colour pen/pencil is not allowed. Use only Black or Blue pen.
1A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. [12]
Uses of Big Data.
1. Location and Tracking: Big Data has been useful in identifying and tracking the exact location of a place. Your GPS and Google Maps make use of Big Data. With geographic positioning and radio frequency identification sensors we get the real time data about traffic, congestion on a particular route, if the route is closed or if it is a one-way route, understanding accident prone areas etc. You can plan your own route, according to the travel time and the transportation of goods. If you have ordered something online you can track the location of your goods in transit, you can also track the condition of the goods. This has immensely helped the logistics companies to reduce risks in transport, improve speed and reliability in delivery.
2. Understanding the Weather Patterns: There are weather sensors and satellites setup all around the globe. Huge amount of data is continuously being received from them. They help us to understand the weather and help in weather forecasting. Weather patterns give us warnings of the impending natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, tsunami etc. Necessary preparations to combat them can be made well in advance. We can study global warming, predict availability of natural resources like water.
A1. Choose the two appropriate statements which show the correct information of the extract. (2)
1) GPS and Google Maps are useful in identifying and tracking the exact location of a place.
2) Location tracking increases the risks in transport.
3) Weather sensors and satellites send huge amount of data.
4) Weather Patterns show the information of one-way route to the vehicle driver.
A2. Find out the importance of GPRS system. (2)
A3.’ Understanding the Weather Patterns by weather sensors and satellites is
important’. Explain. (2)
A4. Write the sources of information you know. (2)
A5. Do as directed. (2)
1) Big data has been useful in identifying and cracking the exact location of a place.
(Rewrite using ‘not only ----but also’.)
2) You can plan your own route according to the travel time and the transportation of goods. (Rewrite using’ be able to’.)
A6. Insert appropriate letters and make meaningful words. (2)
i) Lo-ati-on (ii) fre-uenc- (iii) pa-tic-lar (iv) –suna-i
Q.1 B Do as Directed. (4)
I)Girl was cooking roots and tree leaves without Fire.(Insert articles wherever it is necessary )
ii)I have Taken poor man's way out -I swim.......them. I always have been fascinated........ the Indian Ocean.(Use appropriate preposition )
iii) the king ask them ,"what do you call that game?"(Rewrite it in to Indirect Speech)
II) spot the error and rewrite the sentence .
I)C.V. Raman's knowledges of all branches of Physics are abnormal.
2A.i) Read the extract and complete the activities given below. [12]
To read a lot is essential. It is stupid not to venture outside the examination ‘set books’ or the textbooks you have chosen for intensive study. Read as many books in English as you can, not for duty but for pleasure. Do not choose the most difficult books you find, with the idea of listing and learning as many new words as possible: choose what is likely to interest you and be sure in advance, that it is not too hard. You should not have to be constantly looking up new words in the dictionary, for that deadens interest and checks real learning. Look up a word here and there, but as a general policy try to push ahead, guessing what words mean from the context. It is extensive and not intensive reading that normally helps you to get interested in extra reading and thereby improve your English. You should enjoy the feeling which extensive reading gives. As you read you will become more and more familiar with words and sentence patterns you already know, understanding them better and better as you meet them in more and more contexts, some of which may differ only slightly from others. Some people say that we cannot learn to speak a language better with the help of a book. To believe that the spoken language and written language are quite different things. This is not so.
A1. Choose the correct alternatives and fill in the blanks. (2)
a) You must not choose the most-------books you find. (difficult/easy)
b) You must choose what is likely to ------you. (interest/check)
c) You must read books for --------. (duty/pleasure)
d) Constantly looking up new words in the dictionary------interest. (stimulates/deadens)
A2. Complete the following: (2)
The different steps suggested to improve reading are:
2)----------------------------------- 3)------------------------------------
A3. Explain what some people say about learning the spoken form of a language. (2)
A4. Describe a few ways by which you can improve your English. (2)
A5. Do as directed: (2)
a) Some people say that we cannot learn to speak a language better with the help of a
book. (Rewrite using ‘be able to) able to) b) It is extensive. (Make it a rhetorical question.)
A6. Vocabulary: (2)
a)You should not have to be constantly looking up new words in the dictionary, for that deadens interest and checks real learning. (The underlined word here means---
(i) develops
(ii) deprives of
b) You should enjoy the feeling which extensive reading gives. (The underlined word here --)
(i) covering a large area (ii) supplementary (iii) creative
2B. Write a summary of the above given extract. [3]
2C) Draw a tree diagram that contains the main points and important supporting details from the passage given below. [3]
There are different kinds of books which can be grouped under different categories. Stories, plays and poetry can be considered as part of literature. The chief aim of literature is to entertain and please. Books dealing with History, Geography, Sociology, Politics are expository books. These provide information to the reader. Books which deal with religion and theology may be grouped under philosophical books. They make a person think deeply about a subject. A book like a dictionary or a collection of idioms, world record facts and figures can be classified under the head of reference books. Thus books serve a variety of purposes, and cater to all needs.
3A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. [10]
Weavers, weaving at break of days
Why do you weave a garment so guy
Blue as the wing of the halcyon wild,
We weave the robes of a new-born child.
Weavers, weaving at fall of night,
Why do you weave a garment so bright?.....
Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green,
We weave the marriage veils of a queen.
Weavers, weaving solemn and still,
What do you weave in the moonlight chill…..
White as a feather and white as a cloud,
We weave a dead man’s shroud
A1.Rewrite the statements and state whether they are true or false. (2) (i)The weavers are weaving garments for the new born child in the evening .
(ii) In the moonlight the weavers are weaving are weaving the garments for a dead man’s shroud.
(iii)The poem shows three stages of man life.
(iv) The questions given in the poem are for the readers.
A2. The poet used few symbols to show the emotions. Describe them. (2)
A3. Compare childhood with youth in 50 words. (2)
A4. Write rhythmic words and rhyme scheme of the first stanza. (2)
A.5 Add your two poetic lines to rhyme with the given line
We weave the robes of a new-born child. (2)
3B. Read the poem and solve the given activities below. [4]
My father travels in the late evening train
Standing among silent commuters in the yellow light
Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes
His shirt and pants are soggy and his black raincoat
Stained with mud and his bag stuffed with books
Is falling apart. His eyes dimmed by age
Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night.
Now I can see him getting off the train
Like a word
dropped from a long sentence.
His chappals are sticky with mud, but he hurries onward.
Home again, I see him drinking weak tea, Eating a stale chapatti, reading a book.
He goes into the toilet to contemplate Man’s estrangement from a man-made world.
Coming out he trembles at the sink,
The cold water running over his brown hands, A few droplets cling to the greying hair on his wrists. His sullen children have often refused to share Jokes and secrets with him.
He will now go to sleep
Listening to the static on the radio, dreaming
Of his ancestors and grandchildren, thinking
Of nomads entering a subcontinent through a narrow pass
Write an appreciation of the poem ‘Father Returning Home’ using the following points:
a) About the poem and poet b) Theme of the poem c) Poetic device d) Your opinion of the poem
4A. Complete the activities as per the instructions given below. [4]
1) You are Dipika, a personal assistant to Mrs. Priyanka. She was away attending a meeting when Mr. George rang up. You spoke to him and jotted down his message in your note-pad. Draft a message for Mrs. Priyanka using the information from your note-pad given below.
(Mr. George- rang up-5pm-has received the manuscript and CD’s-coming tomorrow-to thank Mrs. Priyanka personally-to handover the cheque.)
2) Read the following details and prepare a suitable statement of purpose.
You have always been fascinated by building construction. Once your dad saw you completely engrossed in watching construction work next to your house. After that identifying your interest, he registered your name in designing and drawing class. From that time, you wanted to become a Civil Engineer. You have taken science stream n your junior college after an excellent score in SSC board examination. In your free time you love reading magazines on designing and construction. Draft a Statement of Purposethat will help you to get admission at M.Vishwesharraya College of Engineering Dharwad, Karnataka.
3) Have a group discussion on the following topic ‘Conservation of Forests’. Arya, Anusaya, Mohit – you all have been given few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Conservation of Forests’. You may now begin the discussion.
4B. Complete the activities as per the instructions given below. [4]
1) While on a business trip, you spent a week in a large hotel. However the poor facilities and rude behaviour of the hotel-staff made your stay very unpleasant. Write an e-mail of complaint to the manager of the hotel expressing your feelings of annoyance and suggesting what could be done to improve the standard of the hotel.
2) Write a short report of the celebration of Independence Day in your junior college using following hints. (Write in 100 words.)
(The time students assembled in college, the arrival of the chief guest and other dignitaries, flag hoisting, speeches, cultural programme, vote of thanks, etc.)
3) Frame interview questions
Imagine that you are a representative of your college. You want to publish an interview of a famous film actor in the college magazine. Prepare questions to take his interview. (8 to 10 questions).
4C. Complete the activities as per the instructions given below (4)
1)Prepare a speech to be made before your class appealing on ‘The Status of Women in India’. (100 words)
2) Prepare a script for compering a book release event. The event is held in your college where the author of the book to be launched, Mr Avinash Raje has taken his education. (Write in 100 words a script of the same.)Use the following points – Introduction, Lighting the lamp, Welcome speech, book release and distribution of first signed copies by author, speech and few pages read by the Principal, speech of the guest, vote of thanks)
3)Expand the idea in your own words with proper examples. – (100 words).
“Manners makes man”.
4D. Complete the activities as per the instructions given below [4]
1)Write a blog using proper format on the topic –“Man is free by birth”.
2) Write a review of a newspaper article on published on ‘Ganesh Festival’. (100 words)
3) Prepare an appeal making people aware about the tree- plantation and to join the program using following points(Give programs, time and date, contact information, use picture, decorative frame)
5A. Complete the activities given below as per the instructions.
A1) State whether the following statements are true or false. (2)
a) The novel as a literary genre has a history of about two thousand years.
b) 18th century new readers from the middle class had more interest in romances and tragedies.
c) ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’, by John Banyan (1678) and ‘Oroonoka’, by Apra
Behn(1688) initiated the Plenteous and Colourful tradition of English novel.
d) There are five elements essential of ‘Novel’ or ‘Novella’.
A2) Match the following type of novel with its meaning. (2)
Type of Novel |
Meaning |
1)Autobiographical Novel |
a) flow of thoughts |
2)Picaresque Novel |
b) letters |
3)Epistolary Novel |
c) rogue |
4)Stream of Consciousness |
d) based on life of the author |
B. Answer in about 50 words to the following questions
A1.’The teacher Braithwaite felt happy to observe his students.’ Explain. (2)
A.2. Give a brief character sketch of DENHAM
C. Answer in about 50 words to the following questions
A.1. Write in 4 to 5 sentences on the character Phileas Fogg. (2)
A.2. Describe the climax of ‘Around the World in Eighty (2)
D. Answer in about 50 words to the questions
A.1. Explain the theme of ‘The Sign of four. Four’. (2)
A.2. Describe the character of 'Mary Morstan' Morstan (2)