(E-contents for HSC/SSC/CBSC/ICSC /IB Board std X, XI ,XII ENGLISH Subject teachers and Students)
- 1.3 The Cop and the Anthem
- 2.4 Have you Earned your Tomorrow
- 2.5 Father Returning Home
- 2.6 Money by William Davies
- 2.7 She walks in Beauty
- 2.8 Small towns and rivers
- 3.2 Mind Mapping
- 3.4 Statement of purpose
- 3.5 Drafting a virtual message
- 3.6 Group Discussion
- 4.1 MCQ TEST 1History of English Novel
- 4.1 MCQ TEST 2
- 4.1 MCQ TEST 3
- 4.1 MCQ TEST 4
- 4.2 With love by E.R. Braithwaite
- 4.3 Around The World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
- 4.4 The Sign of Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- All G.R. of Teacher
- Irregular verbs
- Modal Auxiliary/Modals
- Reduction of Syllabus in XI & XII
- The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost
- X 2.1 You Start Dying Slowly by Pablo Neruda
- X English Text Book ( English Medium)
- XI & XII new Evaluation Pattern
- XI 2.1 The Cherry Tree by Ruskin Bond
- XI 2.2 The Sower by Victor Hugo
- XI 2.3 There is another sky by Emily Dickinson
- XI 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge by William wordsworth
- XI 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes by william Cowper
- XI 2.6 The planner
- XI 3.2 Blog writing
- XI 3.3 Email
- XI 3.5 Film Review
- XI 3.6 The Art of Compering
- XI 4.1 History of English MCQ test
- XI 4.1 History of English Novel
- XI English Text Book pdf
- XII English Text Book ( Editable Copy )
- XII English Text Book Pdf
- XII English Text book contents
- XII English question paper pattern 20121
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
XII Preliminary Examination Question Paper
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Annual day compering script
Anchor 1: A
cool Good /Morning /evening, Namaste, and a warm welcome to one and all present
over here.
Anchor 2:
Hey Shrawani.. look at that.. What is it?
Anchor 1: It'sAnukran.
Anchor 2: What's Ankuran?
Anchor 1: New buds that sprout from seed is
Anchor 2: Now I got it.
This....is the theme of our annual function.
Anchor 1: उप्त सुकृत बीज महिसु
क्षेत्रेषु महा फलम.
भावार्थ: सही स्थान पर बोया गया सुकर्म का बीज हि महान फल देता है.
The seeds of good deeds,
sown in the
right place give great results.
Similarly the seeds of good values
sown at an early age
will sprout with good fruits of joy
,happiness ,success and may more because-
Education is
not accusation of knowledge but formation of character. Today we take the
privilege toroll down a red carpet of welcome to all the dignitaries, parents,
invitees well-wishers and friends.
It’s an
honour that this beautiful audience have gathered here.
I Mr/Ms………….
with my co-host Mr/Ms………. once again welcome you all on behalf of whole S.V
Union family.
It's a
humble request to all of you, to please
switch off your mobile phones or keep it
in silent mode.
2) Prayer:
Before we
start with today's function, let's invoke the blessings of Goddess Saraswati.
May the
darkness of ignorance be swept away by the dawn of self- realization.
I request
everyone to please raise for the prayer followed by School Anthem.
Lighting of lamp:
Light and
brightness has always been equated with positively, and motivation is seen as
the harbinger of good.
To start us off on auspicious note we will
now have the lamp lighting ceremony. And to do this honours we have an esteemed
gathering amongst us.
May I please request the following
dignitaries to join us for the lamp lighting ceremony.
I request
_____, ________ to join for the lamp lighting ceremony.
lighting of lamp:
Thank you so
much for lighting the lamp and marking today's delightful beginning.
4) Prize
Self belief
and hard work will always earn you success. Like every year this year too, my
friends have made a remarkable success in academics and also in extra
curricular activities.
I request Shweta
Gundu madam to take over.
Thank you
Hey Shravani
!! Don’t you feel my friends , have energized us positively and proved that
patience, persistence and perspiration makes an unbeatable combination and
leads us to the path of success.
Oh yes!
Once again a
big round of applause to all of them.
you my dear friends.
5)Ganesh Vandana
mahakaya suryakoti samaprabha nirvighnam Kurume Devo sarvkaryeshu sarvada"
Good will and praise mark the beginning of worship of lord Ganesha.
Lord Ganesha
the god of wisdom is very captivating and all the dietess respect and worship him
and enjoy the beginning with the phrase of lord Ganesha in "Ganesh Vandana".
After the performance:
Anchor 2: We
are really blessed today with the wonderful blessings of lord Ganesha.
May the blessings
of this day radiate through your smile and shine through your heart.
Anchor 1: I
know you all are exited to watch the bubbly, amazing performances and enjoy
let's.... begin
Are you
We couldn't hear you
Are you
Anchor 2:
Soooo let's get started.
6) Gatti
Taal Suranshi
Anchor2:Hey Abhinav
what's wrong with you?
I say something?
Anchor2:You were
singing some kind of song or so...
Anchor1:Is it?
But to tell you the truth I really love to listen to the music.
Music is the
language of the spirit,where words fail, music speaks.So lets hear it from
them- Gatti taal Suranshi…
Thank you
friends for your masmerizing Jugalbandi performance.
7) Joy of
Anchor2: On earth
exist a paradise
Beyond an animal’s
That pure...fresh....love
so uncorrupt.
they never interrupt.
Open your eyes
on humans all
And listen...to
the animals call
Better people
you will be.
I promise,if
you only see.
That on earth
exist a paradise.
Beyond an Animals
Anchor1: and
yes it's true..that joy of giving is one of the best feelings in the world, with
just one act of kindness, you can inspire others and plant the seeds of happiness.
So let us now enjoy an inspiring dance performance.
Thank you
friends for your wonderful and outstanding performance
That was
truly a lovely message.
Let's hear
it from your side audience
Did you like
Then please
give a huge clap.
Powada means
to glorify and celebrate the great deeds of our leaders.
So here is a powada by our students, which
narrates the great deeds of man in the historical event of the battle of Pawan
khind that took place on 13th July 1660, between Marathas and Siddhis of
After the
bhavani, jai Shivaji
Jai bhavani,
jai Shivaji
Thank you
dear friends for this power pack performance.
9)Hindi skit (Juniorschool) bhai bhai Ka pyaar
jeena ho Gaya dushvar.
"Waqt ke
sath bhaiyon ke rishte badal jaate Hain, agar pyar se sambhalo to sambhal jaate
Bharat varshki
parampara sanskar aur sanskruti ko dekhen, toh puarejagat mein, sabhiko Apnemein
Samakar Lene wali sanskriti Nahin milegi Apne puranon eva sansthaon mein hame manavta
Sneh prem Apne pan niswarth bhavaa dimulyon ke anekudaharan milte Hain.
Mahabharat ka
udaharan Dekhlo to jab भाई भाई ladte
Hain to kool ka nash hota hai aur ramayan ka udaharan Dekhlo to jab
भाई- भाई-Ka rishta khas hota hai aksar yah dil
ki bahut pass hota hai to chaliye aaj hamari chhoti si naatika ke dwara dekhte hain
ki Bhai Bhai ka pyar jina ho Gaya khushhal mein kaise parivartit karte Hain.
After the
Abhinav ab
samaz me aya ki bhai bhai me pyar hona kitna mahatvapurna hai. Thank you dear
friends for sharing so important value of life with us.
10) A way
to success (front stage Junior college)
किसीभी देश को आगे बढाने केलिए विज्ञान औरतंत्रज्ञान
ka बहुत बडा हात होता है .संस्कार ,विज्ञान और जवान देश कोउन्नत
की राह पर लाते है .चलो तो देखते है, फिर एक पर फॉर्मन्स जो आपको बतायेगा क्यू सायन्स हेमहत्वपूर्ण
हर बच्चे के लिए. Please welcome the team of
a way to success.
After performance
Thank you so
much for such a wonderful and innovative
Now I call
upon my friend Subhiksha and Akash to take over.
Thank you Shrawani
and Abhinav.
11) Honesty
,Yesterday, Today and forever.
Anchor 1 : Are
you ready audience to watch some things special?
Anchor 2:Can
you guess what it is?
Anchor 1 :Yes
indeed. Young people are
the future. However these youngsters also face the future opportunities as well
as the challenges. Our world is growing even more insecure and chaotic as the
speed of technology development and the consequences of the socio political changes
increase .The youth has been observing dishonesty, corruption, bribery and all
such challenges making their future less predictive>
Anchor 2: so
how will they succeed and what can the world to now to help them along.
Anchor 1 :Let's
have a look at these young generation
facing these biggest challenges and realizing that Honesty will remain
yesterday, today and forever.
Anchor 2 : Please
welcome them putting your hands together and give them a big round of applause..
After performance
Anchor 2:
Honestly this performance made us think for a while. Thank you very much. It was
really a powerful performance.
defense LathiKathi
Anchor 1:
Ane are you training to be like Mary Kom?
Anchor 2
:No. I'm just learning some self defence.
Anchor 1:
oh, Oh mean like punching jab and uppercut.
Anchor 2
guess I want to be able to defend myself
Anchor 1:
that's pretty impressive.
Anchor 2:
"Self defence is not only our right, it is our duty.
Anchor 1 :
so let's see the thrilling performance of latikati for self defence and self
After t
he Performance:
Anchor 2:
That was amazing .isn't it ? audience….
Skit( we together)
Anchor 1:
You don't know ....you won't understand. It's a latest technology Those were
the most amazing days. your generations have lost all the values of life and so
2:Hold on ...dear Audience, it is notme ,who is telling this .This conversation is frequently heard at every
place around us and I know you have guessed it correctly.
Anchor 1: Yes
,the conversation is going between the people of two different generations
maybe the same you had with your parents
and grandparents .the new generation has
lost the real essence of life .And the old generations are outdated so, this
forms a rift between the two
generations. I think insted of telling you about the generations rift
Anchor 2: Why
don't we enjoy the English skit presented in the form of mime show by our dear
The drama
performance was just spellbound. I am speechless. Thank you so much for this
wonderful presentation.
*महाराष्ट्र ही भूमी वसली आहे सह्याद्री च्या खोऱ्यात. ही भूमी आहे छत्रपती शिवरायांची ,वैज्ञानिकांची ,विद्वानांची, आणि समाज सुधारकां ची सुद्धा.त्याच प्रमाणे हीभूमी आहे सुसंस्कार करणाऱ्या साधु
संतांची ,विचारवंतांची.महाराष्ट्राला प्राचीन परंपरा लाभली आहे या मध्ये आहेत
पुरोगामी विचाराची रुजवणूक करणारे जगद्गुरु संत तुकाराम महाराज .आज आपण पाहतो महाराष्ट्राच्या
काना कोपऱ्यात गावा गावात आणि खरो खर घरा घरात चालणा राज पमंत्र म्हणजे' हरिपाठ'.
चला तर मग मंडळींनो पाहूया एक झलक महाराष्ट्राच्या या
प्राचीन आणि अध्यात्मिक प्रेरणेची ..हरीपाठाच्या माध्यमातून.
आकाश,पाहिलंसका? किती भक्तिमय,चैतन्यमय आणि संपूर्ण अध्यात्मिकतेने भारावून टाकणारा
हा सोहळा होता. धन्यवाद.
परोपकार: पुण्याय पापाय पर पीडनम
It means-
doing good to others conduces to merit, and doing harm to others leads to sin.
1:Don’t you think, today’s students have changed their attitude and behavior.
Anchor2: Of
course, Time has changed everything students as well as teachers.
1:Yes,Value education is the need of time.
Anchor 2:In
order to inculcate moral values like honesty, sincerity, scientific
temperament, brotherhood in daily life
among students this process should begin from the childhood.
Anchor 1:
May I call upon the stage students to
present musical drama “Aarambha”
After the
1:Wasn't that lovely performance.
Anchor 2:
Indeed a very inspiring message too. That one small positive thought can change
the whole world.When you give someone with your spirit and in return they give
you soul with their hearts.
stage (High School) song: Mera pyaara vatan
1:Music is an art that can transcend every boundary of
caste,race,language,country,and culture.,
Hold your heart beats and get ready for a musical performance as he spreads the
magic of music.
song performance
That was
really heart-touching and made us tap our feet. Thank you for your melodious
17) Veero
ki dharti
anchor 1: ये देश है वीर
जवानों का,
अलबेलों का मस्तानों का,
इस देश का यारों ... होय!!
इस देश का यारों क्या कहना ,ये देश है दुनिया का गहना.
Anchor 1: You might have heard this song in your
childhood .It glorifies the dignity of the human virtues.
Anchor 2: Our soldiers
keeping our life at your palm for the sake of the motherland is peculiar to
none other than the brave soldiers of Our army.
Anchor 1:So let's rock ourselves seeing this Dazzling dance performance
by our high school
After performance
This performance was really thunder storming and mind blowing.
Na pucho zamane se
kya hamari kahani hai
Vhamari pehchan to ye hain
ki hum sirf Hindustani Hain
18) Vote
of Thanks Speech
Last but not
least a big thank you to each one of you who made this Annual day celebration
memorable for all of us.
Let’s make
the end of today’s function with vote of thanks an appreciation and gratitude
to all those who made this evening a grand success. I request Mr. -------to
propose vote of thanks.
Thank you so
much sir/madam.
19) National
I request everyone
to stand for National Anthem.